Vixen Ascension  

Join Vixen Ascension, our 90-day program designed to accelerate your transformation.


If you are ready for more—more abundance, more enjoyment, more love—and you're ready for it now, this is the opportunity for you!

Let's introduce you to the Ascension framework

During your 90 day journey, we'll help you discover and start living the life that you want. Here's what is included:

A Personalized Vixen Action Plan
Six one-hour coaching sessions
Three month access to our live Q&A 
Complimentary resources for your Ascension 

What happens when you ascend?

When Vixen's ascend, they move toward "more" by embracing their feminine energy. As a result, they move toward whatever it is they're seeking...quickly.

Following this 90-day program, my clients have:

  • Successfully made BIG life decisions
  • Walked away from toxic marriages
  • Made big business decisions that have accelerated their success
  • Found new love
  • Gotten a promotion
  • Learned how to stand up for themselves
  • Founded a new company 

And they do this in 90 days. If I see that a client is not ready to do the work or I believe I cannot help them, we don't work together. For anyone who does work through the 90 days, ascension is guaranteed!  

"April is extremely enthusiastic about her work and goes above and beyond to enrich her clients’ development. April has been essential to the success of my company. She has a very strong work ethic and unparalleled analytical and problem solving skills. I certainly would recommend her as coach!"

- Martina Mason

During This 90-Day Program, We May Cover:


Alignment, finding your true purpose, is important and it goes (as I'm sure you know) WAAAY beyond caring for kids, loved ones and employees. It goes to your heart, no one else's, and speaks to what makes you sing.

My alignment is embracing the fairy godmother in me who is working to help women return to their divine feminine. Let's find yours!

Self Love

The cycle of both giving and receiving love is critical to this journey and part of that means practicing self-love.

If you're anything like me, you may be thinking, "I don't have time for a spa day." That can be self love, but it's not the be all end all of self love. 

The sooner you love yourself—daily—the more you can give and achieve. We'll chat methods of it that work for you.


I'd love to meet the person who hasn't struggled with creating and maintaining boundaries in their life!

I've always been excellent at setting boundaries at work, but really had to work hard at setting personal boundaries.

Strong boundaries will help you in every area of your life. Let's chat about how to set and stick to yours!


What's going to happen?

Only good things. The women who I work with leave our sessions understanding what they want. They understand how to lean into their  feminine power and know that what we've created is 100 percent attainable.

Whatever ascending and moreness is to you—you will have it at the end of our time together.

Ready to start your 





  • 90 day program
  • Personalized Vixen action plan
  • Six one-hour Zoom coaching sessions with April  
  • Kolbe assessment 
  • Print assessment 
  • Complimentary resources for your Ascension 
  • Three month access to our monthly live Q&A 
  • Access to our live Vixen happy hour 
  • Exclusive invitations to member-only retreats 
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee



  • 2-Day Intensive Program
  • Personalized Vixen action plan 
  • 30 Minute Pre-Visit Zoom Call
  • 30 Minute Post-Visit Zoom Call
  • Deep dive into your biggest goals and desires
  • Face-to-face meetings & dinner with April 

  • Kolbe assessment

  • Print assessment

  • Complimentary resources for your Ascension
  • Three month access to our monthly live Q&A

  • Access to our live Vixen happy hour

  • Exclusive access to member-only retreats

  • 100% satisfaction guarantee


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