Raise your money mindset, increase your income, and own your worth.


While experiencing more joy, peace and love in your life.


Listen to the NEWEST podcast for female entrepreneurs, by an entrepreneur.


Explore the Vixen Blog

The blog inspires ambitious women, just like you, to reach their goals, increase their income, self worth and create a life that they love.

107: Tactics to Fill Your Sales Calendar: A Step-by-Step Guide for ...

104: Overcoming Burnout: Self-Discovery and Career Renewal in The N...

106: How Women Can Thrive in Entrepreneurship, Leave Corporate & Sh...

105: Mastering the Art of Hiring for Your Business with Michelle Me...

099: Summer Fitness Tips For Better Health and Mindset: Insights fr...

096: Empowering Women: From Burnout to Brave Leadership - Healing T...


How to Work With Us

We help female entrepreneurs own their self worth and create a life they love.


Vixen Founders Collective

Ready to be the best you -- both personally and professionally?  Backed by science and developed by Brendon Burchard, coach to Oprah, presidents, and Olympic Athletes, our founding Vixen, April, will guide you on your path to success. This collective is dedicated to helping you create habits that increase your revenue and transition you from corporate to fempreneur. 


*This program is best for female entrepreneurs and business leaders seeking success and community.

Learn More


Vixen Mastermind

Do you have 90 days to focus on making more money AND enjoying your life more?  This program is not for the faint of heart.  It's an intensive program designed to get you results quickly.  If you're a woman who owns an active business (either part-time or full-time) then let's have a valuable conversation and see if this program is aligned with your goals.  


*This program is best for female entrepreneurs with an existing business looking to scale and grow their business.

Apply Now



Jet-Setter Mastermind

Imagine a gathering where the conversation is different. It's growth-oriented, supportive and positive . . .  with a group of women who 'get it'. Join our Vixen Jet-Setter Mastermind where you and five other women where luxury meets lasting impact and ambition turns into action. Six 60-minute 1:1 sessions to guide, align, and support your growth.



*This program is best for female entrepreneurs and business leaders seeking lasting impact with their businesses.

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Meet our founding Vixen

April Roberts started the Vixen Gathering during COVID. After years of living for others according to rules established by others, April and other successful women just like her said no more. 

April has been helping people for 15 years through both her financial practice and the Vixen Gathering. She is a keynote speaker, MC, Podcast Host and Hig Performance Coach who has helped guide the transformation of hundreds of people. She particularly loves working with female entrepreneurs and business leaders who "want it all". Using her own journey as a guidepost, April helps her clients create abundance and live by their core values and their true intentions. 

The world needs a little more love. Who better to accelerate this process than a group of fearless, loving and ambitious women?


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