Dr. Diana Singleton

080: Helping Women & Busy Moms Reclaim Their Strength with Dr. Diana Singleton

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As women, we tend to care for everyone else first, often putting our wellness and health on the back burner to take care of others. This leads to being reactive with our health and solving aches and pains with medication instead of proactively preventing them. But there is another way.

Dr. Diana Singleton is a board-certified Orthopedic Certified Specialist, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a women's pelvic floor expert, and a fitness coach. She's dedicated to helping women and busy moms get back to exercise, intimacy, and daily activities without pain and reclaim their strength.

In our conversation, Diana shares her expertise on perimenopause, which can start in your 30s, why looking after your pelvic floor health is essential even if you've never given birth, and how to release tension and stress from your body through breath work. Above all else, this episode is a great reminder to look after yourself and show up and care for others as your best self.


Who Is Dr. Diana Singleton?

Diana Singleton PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS is passionate about helping pregnant and postpartum women get back to exercise, intimacy, and daily activities without pain, leaks, having to stop activities, or being told it will eventually get better. Diana understands pregnant and postpartum women want to enjoy their lives!

She founded Reclaim Your Strength Physical Therapy because of her disappointment with how women are treated in our healthcare system. She has seen too many women suffer from urinary leaks, painful sex, as well as pelvic and vaginal discomfort.

These women oftentimes have stopped exercising due to their symptoms or have been told by their doctors to just wait and it will eventually get better. Too many women are being told these issues are normal or that there is nothing they can do except take medication, have surgery, or just live with it. Many pelvic health issues are common but not normal and it is Diana’s mission to educate and empower women to make the best decisions for their pelvic health and overall well-being.

Diana earned her undergraduate degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. She then went on to achieve her Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Franklin Pierce University in Concord, NH.

She is a board-certified Orthopedic Certified Specialist (OCS) through the American Board of Physical Therapist Specialties (ABPTS) and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Sports and Conditioning Association (NSCA).


Key Takeaways 

  • Shifting your focus postpartum
  • Unlearning bad habits & behaviors
  • When does perimenopause start?
  • Promoting muscle growth through exercise & nutrition
  • How to make a diet sustainable with moderation
  • Helping busy moms create a workout routine
  • Understanding pelvic floor health & issues
  • The importance of breathwork for stress & tension relief
  • Connecting with your feminine energy
  • Dr. Diana’s 8-Week Program


Mic Drop Moments

  • “Diet needs to be sustainable, and that’s where people fall off all the time. If it’s not designed to sustain you for life then it’s not a good long-term solution.” – Dr. Diana Singleton
  • “I recommend women see a pelvic floor expert at least once when they’re pregnant, and at least once after they’ve had their baby at six weeks postpartum. Even if women don’t think they have issues, they should still be seen.” – Dr. Diana Singleton
  • “The aches, pains, and tension we hold in our body is our body’s way of absorbing stress. By connecting with our breath, we can tap into that nervous system response that tells our body that it’s actually safe.” – Dr. Diana Singleton
  • “We don’t always take the time in our society to slow down. A lot of the basic primary functions in our body operate best when we’re not in a heightened state of overwhelm.” – Dr. Diana Singleton




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