Sara Heald

008: Making Room On Your Calendar For You with Sara Heald

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Being a mom, wife, entrepreneur, and still having time for yourself can feel like an impossible balancing act — but my guest today, Sara Heald, is an inspiring example of how it truly is possible to do it all.

When faced with unexpected challenges as an event planner (and new mom) at the start of the pandemic, Sara harnessed her entrepreneurial spirit and turned her passion for event planning into a business of her own.

Join us for a conversation about overcoming mom guilt, outsourcing tasks, and creating a balanced schedule that honors your work, relationships, family, and time for things that bring you joy. Today, Sara shares her strategies for communicating your needs, setting boundaries, battling loneliness, and embracing the support of others, so you can show up as your best self in every aspect of life.


Who Is Sara Heald?

Sara Heald is a wife, mother of two, and the founder of Sara In The City (a corporate event planning business based out of Houston). After becoming a stay-at-home mom during the pandemic, she took on the challenge of entrepreneurship. Not only did she exceed all her business goals within the first year, but she also managed to continue dedicating herself to her family wholeheartedly.

Now, with over 20+ years of event planning experience, she helps people create unique experiences that their guests will remember while fulfilling clients’ business goals.


Key Takeaways 

  • Who is Sara Heald?
  • Becoming a first-time mom
  • Balancing parenting & work in a pandemic
  • Going back to work after becoming a mom
  • Planning & organizing childcare around work
  • What can you outsource to make life easier?
  • How to prioritize things that bring you joy
  • Getting others to respect your time off work
  • Entrepreneurship for moms
  • Battling loneliness & forming relationships
  • Letting others help you care for your kids
  • Identifying your core values
  • Freebie: 8 Steps To A WOW Event
  • What does femininity look like to you?


Making Room on Your Calendar for You!


Mic Drop Moments

  •  You're not quiet because you're meek. You're quiet because you're strategic.” – Sara Heald
  • “I had worked for other people, and I really felt like there was a ceiling I couldn’t break through (financially and relationship-wise). Being an entrepreneur has allowed me to find pathways to form authentic relationships, and it’s been very fulfilling and rewarding.” – Sara Heald
  • “Being a mom and an entrepreneur can get very stressful and busy. You have to go back and remember why you started in the first place. Creating opportunities for my family drives me.” – Sara Heald
  • “I enjoy creating beautiful memories for people, but even more so I enjoy making deeper connections.” – Sara Heald
  • “We’re all still figuring out this new world we live in, and we have to figure out what makes us happy and whole.” - April Roberts
  • “Don’t be afraid to let other people help nurture your kids. There are many ways to be a mom for a child (daycare, husband, grandma, babysitters). Those give me space to run a business and use my brain in different ways that I’m not able to when I’m ‘mom’”. – Sara Heald
  • “If you have your core values and boundaries in place, you can look at your calendar and see if it aligns with what is important to you.” - April Roberts




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