Turkey Table Talk: Conversation Topics for a Memorable Thanksgiving

live your best life

I don’t know about you, but I love Thanksgiving. Being so busy, it’s a fun time to slow down and enjoy my family–but we do a non-traditional Thanksgiving.

Instead of spending all day cooking and cleaning, my family and I like to go out to eat or get our meal catered. Being so busy year round (with a lot of entrepreneurs) means that we like to truly take the time to fully rest. 

What do you and your family talk about during your meal? Do you spend time catching up on work, your business, and the other things you do in your day to day life?

Today I wanted to share some of my favorite conversation topics to help you make this year more memorable; these topics travel with us to our Vixen Mastermind retreat to give us connection and help us avoid meaningless small talk. 


Memory Lane

These topics are great for getting to know things you might not have known about your Uncle, or your grandparents, or even your parents! And who doesn’t love to take a trip down memory lane every now and again?

  • What is your favorite memory as a child?
  • How does your life now compare to how you imagined it when you were growing up?
  • When was the happiest you ever felt?
  • How would you spend a perfect day alone?
  • What did you collect as a child and why?


Hypotheticals Galore

I mean, we all like to daydream. It’s fun to imagine what your life would be like in an alternate reality. But have you ever wondered what your family and friends daydream about?

  • If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
  • What is another career or business that you think you’d love?
  • How would you spend your time if the electricity went out for 24 hours?
  • If you could be insanely talented at one thing, what would you choose?
  • If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be?


Soulful Snapshots

Everyone likes to reflect on their year (at least I do), and now is a great time to get into the personal reflections with your family, instead of the usual things we do as entrepreneurs, which is reflect on our business journey. 

  • What’s a life lesson you learned this year?
  • If you could go back to January 2023 and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
  • What’s a skill or hobby you picked up this year that you’re excited about?
  • What’s a positive habit you developed this year?
  • If you could sum this year up in three words, what would they be?


Thanksgiving is a great time of year to celebrate and connect with your family; I hope these topics give you a creative and meaningful way to do so. My wish for you this year is that you also spend some time celebrating you and reflecting on the year that you’ve had.

How do you prefer to spend Thanksgiving? Will you be participating in any fun traditions that are unique to your family? Send us a message on Instagram and let us know–we love to hear from our Vixens!

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